This excerpt is from a local high school football coach's season preview. He coaches in a district that has had a lot of success on the football field, and because of that, a lot more is expected. He offers a very refreshing take on football, competition, kids, and life. I especially like this paragraph:
In closing, all of us, coaches included, need to constantly remind ourselves and each other throughout this year that football is a very difficult and challenging game both physically and mentally. And that it is played by the likes of mostly 16 & 17 year old boys. Encourage them in the challenging times and make it a point to see the good in their efforts, successful or otherwise. Although this team has lofty goals for itself, the players need constant reminders to enjoy the great experience of the journey that is about to take place. Successful coaches should never be put on a pedestal based on a win/loss record. Likewise, a player's value to a team should never be solely determined by performance in a game or based on the amount of playing time a person gets. So my advice to parents of players, wives of coaches, and true Kings Knights fans -- "Love'm up! They're the only ones you got!"
Best wishes to all for another safe and successful season!
That is the kind of understanding and perspective we as parents, coaches, and teachers need more of...
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