Today's spring break destination is the Newport Aquarium. Looking forward to this little family outing as spring break begins to wind down. I took a quick look at the daily activities and I noticed this on the schedule: "Watch Piranha being fed in the Dangerous and Deadly Gallery. Mon., Wed., Fri. 11:00 a.m." Not sure if I'll make it down there in time, but that sounds like an entertaining moment in time.
One of my neighbors in my dorm my freshman year at Miami had a piranha. Named him Mickey. We had weekly feeding parties in his dorm room. I'll do my best to recreate that experience today. Well, maybe not, the aquarium is a family friendly place after all.

If you've never been down to the aquarium, it's definitely worth an afternoon visit. Especially if you're into wildlife and nature. I suppose there are two ways to enjoy the aquarium. One is by yourself, taking your time, reading about these wild creatures, watching the penguins go back and forth, waiting for the sharks to be fed, learning about crazy dangerous jellies. The other way is 'family-style' and is more about watching your kids watch the creatures, penguins, sharks, and jellies. Also a fun experience. We purchased a family pass this year and have definitely visited the aquarium more than enough to make it worth the purchase. Definitely recommended for families with kids needing a place to go on a rainy day... like today. Just a side note, we packed lunch for today. Tuna fish sandwiches. Thought that was rather appropriate. Or innappropriate.
Learn more about the Newport Aquarium - A Million Gallons of Fun here.
Maybe some 'action photos' later.