The Old and the New

It's been just short of a year since Cincinnati Now posted last. Last summer, Griffey and his 600th homer. Seems like forever ago. In that time, I had sort of taken a sabbatical from my blogging. We'll see what happens after this post, but my hopes and intentions are to continue writing about the area and topics of interest to the area and me.
Because I'm such a suburbanite, I think I will shift some of my writing to what is occuring out here in the northeast suburbs. That's where I am and that's what's around me. It just makes sense really. But I'm OK with this. I used to want to fit in the Cincinnati blogging scene as one of the 'insiders' who goes to art shows in OTR and spends time in coffee shops in Clifton. But as a writer, I realize that my best writing will emerge as I write about issues and topics that I can truly relate to, not just issues I have a passing interest in, or one I'm somewhat uniformed about.
To be honest though, I do like to stir the pot a little, so I think that will continue. And I think I'll start that now. I'm going downtown Monday. It's been a few weeks since my last trip, which was to visit and volunteer with OTRCH, an non-profit serving the needs of some of the low-income families in OTR. This time though, I'm heading to opening day! Since I'm a teacher, I've never been able to head down to opening day, but this year, because of our schedule, it's spring break!
Well, I've had a relaunching of Cincinnati Now once before... let's see how long this one lasts.