Thursday, May 29, 2008

Chad owes $13K in taxes

I think I know why somebody wants a new contract..

Toe Sprayer... Huh?

In a case that has befuddled police officials, a Columbus man has been charged with crawling under a table at a library on University of Cincinnati’s campus, spraying a substance from a syringe on a woman’s shoes and then photographing them.

Wow. Not sure what to say about this. Read the Enquirer article here.

Friday, May 23, 2008

They are coming... Cicada Swarm is imminent.

Pictures taken in my backyard. Awesome. The 'experts' have predicated as many as 100 cicadas per square yard to as much as 200 per square yard. Oh what fun!

I lived on the west side for the invasion in 2004, since then, we've moved east. Now I get another shot at cicada combat. if you want some interesting information about this absurd phenomenon.

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