Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I like this feature of blogging. I think it's mainly an ego trip, but nonetheless, is interesting to me. I like posting on consecutive days and watching the numbers of visitors to my blog go up for a couple of days. I only wish I could know who actually reads this blog.

It's still a funny phenomenon to me, that there are random people out there that I've never met and for some reason are reading my random thoughts about random topics. Feel free to give me a shout out sometime if you want. I would love to see who you mystery people are.

So here you go random people, another post about things I think are interesting.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Word of the Day

From Paul Daugherty's blog, in reference to professional athletes and good behavior...

"Why do we give pro athletes credit for not getting in trouble with the cops? Is the bar that low now? Does your boss ever say to you, "Great job, you havent been arrested lately?''..."

Read the entire blog entry here.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Forget the Street Cars!!!

Forget the street cars! I think Cincinnati should get a Grid. Sounds so much more efficient.

...the grid could also provide the kind of power needed to transmit holographic images; allow instant online gaming with hundreds of thousands of players; and offer high-definition video telephony for the price of a local call.
It also turns out the having a Grid may provide solid, scientific evidence that God exists. See? Way better than public transportation.

Think about it, if we have a Grid we will save big time on gas, reduce emissions, and finally rid our city of malaria.

Come on, scrap the street car and vote for the Grid!!!

Friday, April 4, 2008

Positive Press for Cincinnati Sports...

Reds pitcher rookie pitcher, Johnny Cueto threw 10 strikeouts and 0 walks in his first game as a MLBer.

Even Cincinnati Reds manager Dusty Baker was pretty excited, as seen here in an excerpt from the article.
"I'm giddy inside," Baker said. "I'm excited to hear the guys on the bench talk. They haven't seen this in a long time. As a matter of fact, they haven't ever seen it."

A nice positive and happy story - about the Reds - to wash down some of the negative Bengals coverage.

See here.

Chris Henry's recent activity...

Judge Bernie Bouchard ordered him jailed on $51,000 bond. "You've kind of become a one-man crime wave," Bouchard said.


Thursday, April 3, 2008

More Great PR for the Cincinnati Bengals...

Or "Another Solid Character Wide Receiver!"

At least the Bengals seem to be taking a stand of some sort...

Chad Johnson

Wow. An interesting interview with Chad Johnson.

If you've followed his situation with the Bengals at all this past year, you'll probably be turned off to Chad after watching this...